• May 2024 review

    I know that I say this every single month, but how the heck is it actually June already? This year seems to be moving at the speed of light, and I cannot believe that we’re already half way through the year.  This is the first time that I’ve been late publishing a review blog post, […]


  • April 2024 review

    Another month is finished and gone, and I can’t be the only one who’s fed up of this weather. It feels as if we have had continuous rain for months and as I’m writing this, it doesn’t seem as if there is going to be a let up any time soon.  And so, books, podcasts, […]


  • How to make money with People Per Hour

    A few years ago, when I first started to seriously consider building a freelance side hustle, I stumbled upon the website People Per Hour. For a short while, it was a website that proved to be lucrative for me and it helped me to build my writing portfolio. I was recommending it to everyone.   […]


  • March review

    Another month has gone and so, it’s time to publish my third monthly review. I’m very much in the swing of writing these posts now, and I really enjoy reflecting on the things I’ve been enjoying each month.  I tend to think of these as being similar to the old favourites videos that influencers used […]
